Monday, November 09, 2009

ok i have fucking had it--scathing rant

before you read this post, read the last one i just left about the tea party express people. i just posted it because yet again these motherfuckers have spammed me with email surreptitiously asking me for donations. this post is also fueled by the hate-mongering i see on the news after the tragedy at ft hood and in general the kinda shit i have been hearing around this country lately.

ok, and here goes:

there is no "us" and "them." there is no "black" and "white." there is no "right" or "wrong." i have said it once, and will say it again and again and fucking again till someone puts a bullet in the back of my head, and if i have any pull with the big man spinning the galaxy, i will continue to say it in a spectral post-mortem voice from beyond the grave:

we are e pluribus motherfucking unum. "of the many, one." it's printed right on the fucking money next to "in god we trust" which every right-wing bible thumper will quite loudly and adamantly insist remains there and furthermore upon which our country (according to these zealots anyhow) was founded.

it doesn't say "of the many, one" in english, i might add, but in latin. as far as i know, we don't have an official language, but if we were gonna say we did, latin wouldn't be it. but there you have it, our very money is bilingual.

not all muslims are terrorists. not all terrorists are muslim (we seem to have forgotten in more recent years, but there have been all kinds of terrorists, some of which had no religious ties whatsoever). not all christians are assholes who think that everyone is gonna fry if they don't accept jesus into their hearts and return daily prayer to school and put a devout christian into the presidency and return this country to the bible-influenced world power that the founding fathers wanted it to be (oh and btw, the founding fathers wanted it to be e pluribus unum, not christian, or all white, or all english-speaking. the founding fathers wanted us to fucking compromise and get along. give a little, take a little.) not all people who aren't christian are bad people, or even misguided people, or even the kind of person whose values are that different from your own. not all conservatives are rush-limbaugh loving cunts. not all liberals are socialist subversive twats who are trying to destroy everything this country stands for. not all people who rally with the tea party express idiots are patriots. not all people who write scathing blogs denouncing the pocket-lining money-grubbing tea party express idiots are unpatriotic. not all soldiers are good. not all soldiers are bad.

we are e pluribus unum. of the many, one. remember? right after 9/11, when we were lost and confused and more scared than we had ever been since pearl harbor, the tv was running commercials geared towards uniting us as a country again. and people of all races and creeds would say, e pluribus unum. unless you are native american (and if you are, can i just say i am really really sorry for what the people who initially colonized this country did to you) then you are as much an outsider in this country as anyone who speaks broken english. only the native americans (i am including the native alaskans and hawaiians in that too) were here. everyone else floated, boated, swam, flew, scuttled, lied, stowed-away, rode bound in chains against their will in the belly of a ship, or in some other manner phanagled their way into this country. i don't give a fuck who you are, or what your color is: somewhere in your background, you have an ancestor who found himself/herself on the shores of this continent, scratching his/her ass and wondering, "what the fuck i do now?"

and i will say again, the problem with the country is this "us" and "them" mentality: the conservatives who think liberals are what's wrong with this country. the liberals who think the conservatives are what's wrong with this country. (an interesting side-note: in the start of this country, when george washington was president, the founding fathers were dead set against having "factions" or what we now call "political parties." so if you really wanna get down to the brass tacks of what the country was founded on, we'd do away with "conservative" and "liberal" completely.) the whites who think minorities are what's wrong with this country. the minorities who think whites are what's wrong with this country. the christians who hate the muslims. the muslims who hate the christians. the people who think that everyone should only and always speak english. the "patriots" who denounce the "unpatriotic" and vice versa.

and in closing, i would just like to say; if you buy into the "us" and "them" mentality, if you think that one specific group of people or beliefs are wrong and should be done away with or kicked out of our country, if you think you are "right" and everyone else who doesn't agree with your way of thinking is "wrong," then maybe you should find another country to live in. there are plenty out there that would probably agree with you, and where you would fit in just fine.

e pluribus unum, o my beloved non-existents, my patient and faithful few. this includes anyone who would work to make the united states of america a better place in some kinda way, regardless of what language they speak, what color their skin is, where and/or how they worship, and what traditions they choose to follow from some other land they left to join here in our melting pot.

and yes, it even includes the tea party express folks, who i sincerely hope honestly think they are doing a good service, though i just suspect they are your average run-of-the-mill capitalists making a fast buck.

darth sardonic

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Blogger Sandrine said...

Hi Darth,
Loved your post.I usually get completely speechless when I get upset.I keep telling my kids every day that difference is good and I hope they will take that message with them when they grow up.
I hope your day gets better.Today is a special day and people like you and your wife deserve to be honored.
Thank you both for what you did and are doing.
Take care.

5:33 AM  
Blogger Sandrine said...

Sorry,I thought today was the 11.That's what happen when you have 4 kids and you blog before you drink any coffee.

6:29 AM  
Blogger Gringa-n-Mexico said...

Go Darth! And have heart we're slowly changing things, you're making your difference by shouting out the truth of "e pluribus unum" and I'm over here doing my part to rid us of "pure breeds" all together by mixing up a couple of different races and poping out blended up kids. My little ones will be - English, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, Polish, Native American and whatever blend of Mexican my husband is. :P

And we'll BOTH teach our kids to respect and understand all the sorts of people around them. Not bad for two lil bloggers yes? :)

It's not fast but times they are a changin.

6:30 AM  
Blogger darth sardonic said...

yes ty sandrine i appreciate it and the support

agreed gringa, we just need to not get beaten down or discouraged by the bastards!

11:21 AM  

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