Tuesday, December 09, 2008

superior scribbler

not to be confused with the dandy doodler, resplendant rambler, or tremendous talespinner awards.

dj kirby (and i am bollocks for placing the links within the blog post itself but if you direct yourself straight to my pals list and carefully match the name "dj kirby" with the "dj kirby" in the pals list and click on it, it will take you straight to her blog--aint technology grand?) has awarded me with a superior scribbler award.

now, i am sure to fuck this up, but i believe what i need to do is: graciously accept. direct you, the beloved non-existant reader, to chez aspie that dj kirby so wittily writes (see above paragraph for map and directions), who awarded me in the first place, and then direct the superior scribblers that i shall now choose (and anyone else who wonders what the hell this is all about) to this link here: http://scholastic-scribe.blogspot.com/2008/10/200-this-blings-for-you.html for explanations and (if you are chosen by me as a superior scribbler) to add your name to the (rather ponderous) list of other superior scribblers. now give me a moment to check the list...

um ok, so i don't think lara, krissie, lady macleod, snuffleupagus, and lola have been tagged for this award yet, and since this award has a certain beatnik bent to it, and these are my kinda favorite bohemian sorta blogs (well, barring bloggers who have already been chosen), i am going to go with this list, though it is likely that a few might respectfully decline, which is, after all, one's perogative.

and since my contacts are trying to migrate to my temporal lobes, and my throat feels like it is coated in sandpaper and fire ant bites and my wife looks bored and tropical thunder awaits us, i think i am going to have to call that it for today, o my beloveds.

darth sardonic



Blogger DJ Kirkby said...

Lol, you are very funnneee. You stillw aiting for your book to be released? Me too. Rumour has it that today is the day!

10:33 PM  
Blogger darth sardonic said...

oh man, dj, that is some good news. i was kinda thinking i had broken some rule or something, n ty

2:23 AM  

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